
The Chap - page 17

The Chap has 341 articles published.

The Chap was founded in 1999 and is the longest-serving British magazine dedicated to the gentlemanly way of life, with its own quirky, satirical take on a style that has recently entered the mainstream.
Les Sapeurs

Les Sapeurs

Brazzaville, capital of the Republic of Congo, is host to the Sapeurs: a group of dandies approaching the seriousness of a cult. Brazzaville is poor, like most Central-African nations, and it went through a civil war several years ago, the evidence of which is still pockmarked on quite a few facades. This is the reason… … Keep Reading

Robert-ryan-on dangerous ground

Mean Pleats

Hard-boiled language to go with hard-boiled plots. In fact, everything about Film Noir is pretty hard. Hard urban clutter in hard, rain-sodden mean streets. And the people who live on those streets are hard, too. The characters of film noir are not fulfilled, three-dimensional people. They are ciphers, stereotypes, interacting uneasily through confusing tales of… … Keep Reading

Seersucker Social USA

Cotton Club

For the capital city of a superpower nation, Washington is sadly insular, non-cosmopolitan and aesthetically conservative. The suits are gray or navy, the ties are red or blue. Not since the pith-helmeted and moustachioed Teddy Roosevelt has a president looked like anything other than a businessman. On top of this, the summer heat can be… … Keep Reading

Summer Fabrics
Fashion/The Chap Wears

Summer Fabreeze

The Dilemma faced by a chap when deciding what to wear during the longish hottish British summer, or when sauntering through far-flung lands, can be a sticky one. When the season finally prevents the donning of 18oz tweed three-pieces, where does one turn to find sartorial solace on sunnier days? Many modern lightweights lack the… … Keep Reading

Fashion on the Ration

Fashion on the Ration

Think of clothing in World War II and chances are you’ll imagine either RAF officers on bombing raids or victory-rolled Land Girls in breeches and beetroot lipstick. You probably won’t think of men’s fashion. There’s a good reason for that. A new exhibition at the Imperial War Museum, Fashion on the Ration, 1940s Street Style,… … Keep Reading


All Steamed Up

We’ve learned all about their peculiar belief system on pages 22-25, Issue 43, but now it is time to find out what the steampunk dress code consists of. We invited Andy Heintz, Andrew O’Neill and the Intrepid Young Woman to inspect the contents of a treasure trove of singular scientific contraptions The Intrepid Young Woman… … Keep Reading


Britches & Hoes

With all this talk of “Austerity Britain” and the economic situation making a trip to Tesco seem as expensive and unappealing as a visit to Dubai, it is only natural that we should return to the notion of “growing our own”. Allotments, once the preserve of gentle old men with turnips dropping out of their… … Keep Reading

Claire Banton
Am I Chap?

Am I Chap?

“These photos were taken at the Chap Olympiad,” writes Claire Banton. “I’d travelled down from Teesside to take my father Ian Banton along. On the walk from Goodge Street station we were approached by a local down-and-out, who asked my Father the location of his penthouse – so can we assume (despite the fact he… … Keep Reading

Jon West
Am I Chap?

Jon West

“Wot-ho, Wot!” wrote Jon West. “See attached mimeograph of self, please advise if Chappist.” The problem here is not so much a sartorial one but one of photography. Could this would-be gentleman not have stepped away from the plastic children’s toys and the smelly dog cushion? Then again, would it have made any difference? … Keep Reading

Am I Chap?


“Having married several years ago, and thus having formal daywear in my wardrobe, I have been wearing morning dress to pay my respects to the fallen on Remembrance Day for some time now. I think it appropriate. The morning dress is standard, but in fitting with Armistice, it is rigged with my corps tie, service… … Keep Reading

Am I Chap?


These gentlemen have made a passable stab at Chappishness. But what is more impressive is their invisible waistcoats and ties, allowing the curtains of a rather shabby B&B establishment to show through their bodies. Well done! … Keep Reading

Philip Jackson
Am I Chap?

Philip Jackson

“Came across this chap perching at the local rugger club,” writes Philip Jackson. “I couldn’t help but notice the attention to detail, with the co-ordination of the toe warmers and the handkerchief; I do believe the only improvement that would enhance his chappishness would be some well groomed facial hair.” We do indeed believe some… … Keep Reading

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