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camden watch co

The Chap Watch

Gustav Temple meets The Chap’s new timepiece collaborators, Jerome Robert and Anneke Short, founders of the Camden Watch Company. We first encountered the Camden Watch Company in 2017, when they had recently launched their ambitious company into a crowded market. The original aim of the brand was to use the founders’ extensive knowledge of design… … Keep Reading

the grand flaneur walk 2022

The Second Grand Flaneur Walk

Ahead of the Third Grand Flaneur Walk on Sunday 14th May 2023, we recall 2022’s dandified stroll sans destination. This year, after two years of not being permitted to wander anywhere, with or without destination, a large number of flaneurs pressed their pantaloons, polished their canes and cultivated new buttonholes again, in preparation for the… … Keep Reading

grand flaneur walk

The Grand Flaneur Walk 2022

After a two-year hiatus, the most aimless walk of the century is back, with a party at the end of it. In July 2019, a large group of well-dressed dandies, flaneurs, boulevardiers and quaintrelles set forth from the statue of Beau Brummell on Jermyn Street, London, on a long walk with no destination whatsoever. This… … Keep Reading

the chap magazine
News/Reader Offers

Four Chaps for £4 Offer

We are making a stunningly generous offer to entice new subscribers to our magazine. For the ridiculously modest fee of £4.00, you will receive four quarterly editions of The Chap Magazine for just £1 each. You can claim this offer immediately by visiting our Subscriptions Page and using code 4CHAP when prompted to enter a… … Keep Reading


The Hand of God

Paolo Sorrentino’s autobiographical new film reviewed by Gustav Temple. Diego Maradona appears in Paolo Sorrentino’s earlier film Youth, in which the bloated, ageing footballer is still viewed with awe by those who glimpse him at the gates of the Swiss sanatorium where he’s staying. His presence in Sorrentino’s latest, The Hand of God, is less… … Keep Reading

gift subscription
News/Reader Offers

Half Price Subscription with Free Gift

Present a chum or relative with a subscription to The Chap for half the usual price and choose one of two free gifts. This year, The Chap is providing the ideal Christmas gift for someone in your life who dreams of sartorial exactitude, or perhaps already has it, and yearns to read about the chaps… … Keep Reading

last night in soho

Last Night in Soho

Gustav Temple reviews Edgar Wright’s new psychological thriller set in the swinging sixties Fans of Edgar Wright’s trilogy of comedies Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and World’s End expecting this film to feature amusing fast-edit shots of Simon Pegg getting drunk and losing his girlfriend will find something rather different. The British director, whose… … Keep Reading

the sexton

The Sexton Hip Flask Offer

A thrilling opportunity to acquire, along with a Chap Hip Flask, a bottle of The Sexton Irish Whiskey. Viewers of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will recall that five golden tickets were inserted into five random Wonka Bars, each one guaranteeing the finder a visit to the Chocolate Factory and a lifetime’s supply of chocolate.… … Keep Reading

News/Reader Offers

Father’s Day Gifts

Some suggested cadeaux for the papa in your life, ranging from the mildly generous to the worshipful This year, Father’s Day falls on Sunday 20th June. Dads across the land, while they quietly fix lawnmowers, construct bird boxes and oil all the hinges on the bathroom cupboards, are blissfully unaware that their scions are rampaging… … Keep Reading


Raffish Pocket Square

Brand-new pocket square from The Chap adds a touch of decadence to evening wear Following the recent launch of our new eau de cologne, Raffish, we commanded designer Caroline Lindop, who had designed the packaging for said gentleman’s fragrance, to come up with an accompanying pocket square. “Who is this pocket square for?” was her… … Keep Reading


Video: Autumn 20 Contents

A short videogramme showcasing the splendid contents of our latest edition, available now in all good newsagents and from here The latest edition of The Chap is so packed full of stimulating content that we felt it could only effectively expressed via the medium of video. In this one-minute snapshot of our 164-page Autumn issue,… … Keep Reading


Raffish Eau de Cologne

Hot on the heels of Flaneur comes a new gentlemanly scent that is more appropriate for night mischief Last year The Chap released its first fragrance for men, Flaneur, which was designed to be worn during daytime strolls about town in flannels and straw boater. Now comes a brand-new scent to be worn by gentlemen… … Keep Reading

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