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Get The Look – Lounge Suit

in Get The Look by

This broad sartorial term sometimes confuses those in receipt of a wedding invitation, who panic and think they have to go and buy a new suit – when in fact they already have several in their wardrobe. A lounge suit is simply an informal business suit and can be anything from a plain blue two-piece…

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Disneyland Dapper Day

in The Chap Travels by
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Why am I writing about Disneyland in The Chap, you ask? Because, for the past four years, Disneyland in Anaheim California been the epicentre (not Epcot Center – that one’s in Florida,) of Dapper Day, and Rose Callahan and I had been invited by the event’s organizer to give a presentation about our book I…

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T. W. Hollier

in Am I Chap? by

In the prison where T.W. Hollier is kept on a life sentence, conditions for the inmates are harsh, to say the least. They are given ill-fitting clothes to wear and shirts with missing buttons. Socks are forbidden, and every inmate is given a conspicuous tattoo on their forearm. On the plus side, the wallpaper is…

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