Tag archive

vintage fashion

Colleen Darnell

in Fashion by
colleen darnell

Holly Rose Swinyard meets Vintage Egyptologist Colleen Darnell to discuss Egyptology, vintage fashion and 1920s women. What was it about Egyptology that originally interested you and how come you decided to take the fashion of the period on as well? Egyptology is my main field of academic research, so I received both my BA and…

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Scott Fraser Simpson

in Fashion/Features by
scott fraser simpson

A rainy day in Worthing seemed like the perfect setting in which to meet a young fashion designer whose new collection evokes a 1950s French Riviera. John Minns spoke to Scott Simpson about how vintage is the backbone of all his designs, his early mod influences, his views on the paucity of youth subcultures and…

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The Chap Olympiad 2018

in Fashion by

The Chap Olympiad 2018 took place on Saturday 14th July in Bedford Square Gardens, Bloomsbury. Never in the field of human clothing was so much worn by so many; especially considering the 28-degree heatwave that swamped London that day. Ignoring details such as climactic conditions, Brown-in-Town, appropriate daywear for a civilised garden party, the guests…

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