The nation’s finest facial fuzz was displayed in Brighton last weekend. More than 200 hirsute competitors took part in the first British Beard and Moustache Championships in Brighton on Saturday 16th September.
The day began with a parade through the city towards Brighton Dome, where the judges presided over 11 categories of furry-faced individuals, who ranged from students to doctors, as well as veteran spitfire pilot and notable member of the Handlebar Club, Geoff White. The competition featured eleven categories, including Natural, English, Handlebar and Freestyle Moustache, with beard categories including Sculptured, Musketeer and Natural Full with Styled Moustache.
The Championships were hosted by The Chap’s very own Michael “Atters” Attree, himself the owner of a prize-winning lip weasel. He was impressed by the reception awarded the multitude of tache-wearers: “It was a resounding success and a hirsute British triumph and people kept telling me it was one of the best days in their lives. As I announced the moustache winners (I refused to announce the beard section) Monty Python lady Carol Cleveland stood on stage and made what sounded like orgasm noises, to the astonishment and delight of the audience.”
To view the entire list of winners, visit