Join Gustav Temple on a magical journey into the heart of sartorial splendour, commencing at the Idler Academy. Mr. Temple has created a series of four lectures on how to dress properly, and which include informal dress, formal dress, clothes maintenance and buying bespoke and vintage garments.
Assisted by the Chap’s very own valet in residence, Rupert Bell, this series of half-hour lectures is designed to guide the modern gentleman into a way of dressing that is both sharp and original, brushing aside popular misconceptions that dressing in an old-fashioned way is somehow stuffy or conventional. In the Chap and Mr. Temple’s view, the most conventional way for a man to dress is in jeans and plimsolls like he did when he was a child.
To view the lectures, simply visit Libertas per cultum! as they say over at that hallowed institution that is the Idler Academy (it means “waste valuable working days by watching online courses” or something)