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Valentine’s Day Subscription Offer

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Reward the lover boy in your life with a FREE tie or pocket square when you take out an annual subscription. This year we are upping our game when it comes to subscription offers for those entwined romantically with a chap who fancies himself as a gentleman of discerning taste and savoir-faire. Take out an…

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Subscription Offers for Christmas

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A pair of stunningly generous ways to reward the Chap or Chapette in your life. Everyone has that special someone in their family who loves the finer things in life. That person, male or female, who simply won’t drink Prosecco, refuses to shop at any supermarket beginning with ‘A’ or ‘L’, and always turns up…

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The Fourth Grand Flaneur Walk

in Fashion/News by

Over a hundred dapper chaps and chapettes sauntered sans purpose through London. On Sunday 5th May 2024, a crowd assembled at the junction of Piccadilly and Jermyn Street, London W1. Usually the only notable aspect of this corner is the life-size statue of the great dandy Beau Brummell, but on this day even the Beau…

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Half Price Subscription with Free Gift

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gift subscription

Present a chum or relative with a subscription to The Chap for half the usual price and choose one of two free gifts. This year, The Chap is providing the ideal Christmas gift for someone in your life who dreams of sartorial exactitude, or perhaps already has it, and yearns to read about the chaps…

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Father’s Day Gifts

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Some suggested cadeaux for the papa in your life, ranging from the mildly generous to the worshipful This year, Father’s Day falls on Sunday 20th June. Dads across the land, while they quietly fix lawnmowers, construct bird boxes and oil all the hinges on the bathroom cupboards, are blissfully unaware that their scions are rampaging…

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Raffish Pocket Square

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Brand-new pocket square from The Chap adds a touch of decadence to evening wear Following the recent launch of our new eau de cologne, Raffish, we commanded designer Caroline Lindop, who had designed the packaging for said gentleman’s fragrance, to come up with an accompanying pocket square. “Who is this pocket square for?” was her…

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Sartorial London

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Gustav Temple takes a highly educational sartorial stroll around the West End of London with professional city tour guide Russell Nash We meet on the steps of the Athenaeum Club and head along Pall Mall towards the bottom of St James’s Street, where Russell pauses outside the fabled gables of London hatters Lock & Co.…

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A Chap’s Guide to Coronavirus

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It has come to our attention that there is a lot of fuss and panic over some new disease that causes people to buy entire shelves full of lavatory paper and don face masks. Since this publication is in the habit of offering what we feel is useful sartorial advice to gentlemen and ladies, we…

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Get The Look – Lounge Suit

in Get The Look by

This broad sartorial term sometimes confuses those in receipt of a wedding invitation, who panic and think they have to go and buy a new suit – when in fact they already have several in their wardrobe. A lounge suit is simply an informal business suit and can be anything from a plain blue two-piece…

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FREE copy of Best of The Chap

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As an introductory offer for new subscribers, we are offering a FREE copy of Best of The Chap when you take out an annual subscription. For just £24, you will receive four editions of The Chap Magazine, plus a free copy of our 300-page hardback book celebrating 20 years of publication. Simply visit our Subscriptions…

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The Flâneur

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“The crowd is his domain, as the air is that of the bird or the sea of the fish. His passion and his creed is to wed the crowd. For the perfect flâneur, for the passionate observer, it’s an immense pleasure to take up residence in multiplicity, in whatever is seething, moving, evanescent and infinite.”…

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Loake Legacy

in The Chap Wears by

It is fitting that a shoemaker founded in 1880 brings out a new range, 138 years later, named after that founding year. Loake was set up by three brothers, Thomas, John and William Loake in Kettering, Northamptonshire at the house of Thomas Loake. In 1894 the company moved to much larger premises in Kettering, where…

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