Tag archive

pocket square

Valentine’s Day Subscription Offer

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Reward the lover boy in your life with a FREE tie or pocket square when you take out an annual subscription. This year we are upping our game when it comes to subscription offers for those entwined romantically with a chap who fancies himself as a gentleman of discerning taste and savoir-faire. Take out an…

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Titillating tidings of a new collaboration between silk maestro Geoff Stocker and this publication. Eastbourne Pier and fine silk headscarves are not bedfellows that immediately spring to mind. Yet on one damp day that purported to be during the English Springtime, this publication turned the salty slats of the wooden pier into the Silk Road…

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Father’s Day Gifts

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Some suggested cadeaux for the papa in your life, ranging from the mildly generous to the worshipful This year, Father’s Day falls on Sunday 20th June. Dads across the land, while they quietly fix lawnmowers, construct bird boxes and oil all the hinges on the bathroom cupboards, are blissfully unaware that their scions are rampaging…

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Raffish Pocket Square

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Brand-new pocket square from The Chap adds a touch of decadence to evening wear Following the recent launch of our new eau de cologne, Raffish, we commanded designer Caroline Lindop, who had designed the packaging for said gentleman’s fragrance, to come up with an accompanying pocket square. “Who is this pocket square for?” was her…

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New Range of Chap Pocket Squares

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The first run of our specially designed Chap Pocket Squares proved so popular that they have gone into a second run. In addition, designer Caroline Lindop, who created the first selection, has created a stunning new series of art deco pocket square designs, based on original art deco designs of the 1920s. In response to…

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