The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


Confusingly, this Gollancz reissue of Douglas Adams’ cult classic novel of intergalactic travel and number puzzles conducted in a dressing gown looks as though it has been signed by the author, but it turns out that Gollancz, in their not-so-infinite wisdom, thought it’d be a great wheeze to print the author’s signature on the title page. Nevertheless, it is a splendid pocket-sized hardback edition, ideal for the pocket of one’s dressing gown when about to launch on a journey across the universe and find out the meaning of ‘Liff’.

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Confusingly, this Gollancz reissue of Douglas Adams’ cult classic novel of intergalactic travel and number puzzles conducted in a dressing gown looks as though it has been signed by the author, but it turns out that Gollancz, in their not-so-infinite wisdom, thought it’d be a great wheeze to print the author’s signature on the title page. Nevertheless, it is a splendid pocket-sized hardback edition, ideal for the pocket of one’s dressing gown when about to launch on a journey across the universe and find out the meaning of ‘Liff’.


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